Mimi Alford, now a 69-year-old grandmother, tells how JFK (pictured) led her into ‘Mrs Kennedys room’ at the White House during a personal tour, where he proceeded to have sex with her.


Politics is Hollywood for ugly people, is how the saying goes, so why do actors want in so badly? Frankie Muniz, the 25-year-old Malcolm in the Middle star, posted on Twitter Friday that hes going to run for office.


The “SNL” head writer also takes digs at the royal wedding, Katie Couric and the Republican presidential candidates during the White House Correspondents Dinner.


Morgan recalled his experience at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

Apparently First Lady Michelle Obama greeted him, and he “got hard.”


Banks will get the biggest benefit from an Obama administration housing program designed to help unemployed homeowners escape foreclosure. Housing experts expressed concern that banks, not homeowners, will be helped by the White House’s $3 billion funding infusion — $2 billion from the Treasury Department and another $1 billion from the Housing


The intensity gap is among rank-and-file Democrats.

If the White House thinks their problems are reserved among a handful of progressive critics, then I’m afraid, because it tells me they’re really out of touch with the undercurrent of discontent faced by Democrats this year.


Newt Gingrich says the White House is at fault for his mistakenly calling Shirley Sherrod “viciously racist.”


Robert Gibbs offered an apology to Shirley Sherrod, the former Agriculture Department official who was fired when a video of her surfaced in the media.

The video, originally posted on a conservative website, appeared to show Ms. Sherrod making racially insensitive comments. That interpretation proved to be false

http://www.cspan.org/Watch/Media/2010/07/21/HP/A/35857/White House Briefing with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.aspx

The White House is touting it as recovery summer. But it certainly doesnt feel that way to Americas young workers, who suffer the worst rates of joblessness of any demographic group ” more than 18 percent, compared with 9.5 percent overall.

And with July in full swing, their jobs situation is about to get worse.


The White House harshly criticized Ohio Representative John A.

Boehner after the top House Republican called the financial legislation nearing final approval an excessive response to the problem, noting that millions of Americans lost their jobs or their savings because of the financial crisis that the legislation is intended to prevent.
